Wisdom Without Words

Scripture Reading - Proverbs 10:19 KJV

In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin: but he that refraineth his lips is wise.

You know as we (ihlcc) grow older in the natural realm we are growing spiritually at the same time. As we grow spiritually it is becoming more and more obvious that we, as common men and women, waste a lot of words. The world system is constantly talking which means they are constantly spreading words. The problem with spreading too many words is that the abundance of words will diminish the quality (weight, goodness) of the words you speak. We, as Christians, should purpose to speak not only what God speaks but we should also purpose to speak as God speaks. This means that all the words we speak should have purpose and we shouldn’t just talk to hear ourselves speak. Every word should be measured to be sure that we are good stewards of our tongue. While listening to others speak more and more about their own personal ideas, teachings, knowledge and opinions it is increasing obvious that some people enjoy talking. This is typically harrowed as positive behavior because many people believe the one who talks the most has the most knowledge. This is false doctrine and it is exactly what the devil desires from men because idle speaking always gives place to the wicked one. Why? Because the enemy loves pride, strife and division and when men boast about their very limited knowledge it exalts man instead of God. Think about it all babies need some attention and the younger they are the more they want your full attention. What comes natural to a child? To cry out (speak out) as soon as they want something. Yes, the speech of a little child might come in the form of crying but none-the-less it will get your attention when you are in ear shot. This doesn’t stop with infants but rather carries on with children, young adults and full-grown adults. It is interesting to note that many people say, “The squeaky wheel gets the oil.” Because we know this to be the case in the world we live in. However, just because you can talk doesn’t mean you should talk. We (ihlcc) are noticing more and more that a lot of words just don’t need to be said. We have seen God’s Words of Wisdom fall to the ground when shared with those who are unworthy. We have also seen pure words of good godly counsel be completely rejected by those who already have their situation figured out according to their natural mindset. Now when the Holy Bible states, “Give not that which is holy unto dogs, and neither cast your pearls before swine in Matthew 7:6 the Wise Lord Jesus is trying to teach us something important. We (ihlcc) are growing in our understanding of this verse because at first we thought that this meant don’t share God’s deeper truths with the Gentiles (unsaved). However, this verse goes much more deeper than that by including anyone who is thinking and/or acting ungodly. Yes, dogs and pigs have no appreciation for value they both would turn away from a precious pearl, diamond, gold or any valuable without a second thought. Also, their diet in not very selective so garbage in can produce garbage out. Likewise, all those people who are not selective on what they put into their mind and spirit will most definite produce vain, false and unproductive words. So what we are learning is that all people who are acting on carnal (naturally minded) information are choosing that direction by an act of their will. So don’t be surprised if they don’t understand God’s spiritual words wisdom and they are puzzled by the principles of God. Therefore it is God’s Wisdom to refrain yourself when it comes to speaking God’s Holy Word into another person’s life when they are not looking for it. Why? Because the worst thing that can happen to an unbeliever (or carnal Christian) is for them to be offended by you and take it out on God. Yes, sometimes we ourselves can become frustrated (offended) from reaching out to certain people only to be ridiculed or misunderstood. This does not help our fellowship with God or other people because we tend to rehearse our hurts. Thus, it is our (ihlcc) recommendation to keep your tongue in silence until it is called upon to speak. If you do that more faithfully, your words will have more power and conviction. Yes, God, people and the devil will know that you mean what you say. We know that controlling your tongue is not the easiest thing to do because sometimes the answer is so obvious to you but you still need to keep your tongue until called upon to answer. If no one is specifically calling upon your advice please keep your opinion to yourself. Yes, stop, look and listen to see if the other people are asking you a question or simply making a statement. I am pretty outspoken but I honestly can admit many words were wasted upon deaf ears because unless the Lord build the house the workman labors in vain. Likewise my better half is more reserved and quiet but they too will admit that some of their words should have remained inside their heart as a thought and stopped right there. Why? Because if you birth thoughts by speaking them as words you are surely creating something, whether good or bad. If we, as Christians, could ever really understand that each Word of God has power and the tongue is always producing life or death depending upon the source (inspiration) of the words you speak we would know just how important this topic is to mankind in whole. Why, because multitudes upon multitudes are speaking idle non-productive words which cause unproductive realities. This means people are wasting time, energy and resources on many ungodly things while they fail to realize God’s Kingdom is suffering the consequence of many unfruitful lives. We (ihlcc) firmly believe God Almighty created you for a specific purpose and that specific purpose has to be to glorify Him in spirit, soul and body which means you are glorifying God in your silence (lack of words) when He would be silent in the same situation. This is basically a call (cry) to silence to demonstrate the “Wisdom of God spoken in heart without audible words spoken to unworthy listeners”. Can we do it? Of course we can in the Name of Jesus. We can do all things through Christ Jesus which strengthens us for the battle. And yes, our faith friend, keeping silent when your flesh wants to talk is most definitely a battle but Jesus has already won this battle for you just learn how to do it too for yourself, and for peace sake with those around you. Amen!